A More Intelligent Kitchen

How to Create a Realistic Budget for Your Dream Kitchen The Cabinet Market Myrtle Beach SC
How to Create a Realistic Budget for Your Dream Kitchen
The Cabinet Market Myrtle Beach SC The New Meaning of Home
The New Meaning of Home
How to Create a Realistic Budget for Your Dream Kitchen The Cabinet Market Myrtle Beach SC
How to Create a Realistic Budget for Your Dream Kitchen
The Cabinet Market Myrtle Beach SC The New Meaning of Home
The New Meaning of Home

Interest in well-connected kitchens has skyrocketed among homeowners in Myrtle Beach Technological innovations have made kitchens easier to use, more efficient and more enjoyable. Smart appliances are a main feature of a technologically savvy kitchen. Ovens, dishwashers, refrigerators, coffee makers, countertop appliances, faucets and steam and microwave ovens offer Bluetooth connectivity that can be operated remotely from a smart phone or tablet and by voice command through Amazon Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. You can have your kitchen appliances recommend recipes based on ingredients in your fridge and pantry, play music during meal preparation and dining, set timers and preheat ovens on your way home.

WIFI connectivity

also provides homeowners in Myrtle Beach with upgrade opportunities that previously were unimaginable such as adding air frying capability to an existing oven. Another reason why smart appliances are being specified for many new kitchens in Myrtle Beach are safety features that include automatic shutoffs for ovens and cooktops, notifications that a refrigerator door was left ajar, automatic ordering of groceries and dishwasher detergent when supplies are low or automatic notifications when service is required.

Smart lighting

is becoming a staple in new kitchens in Myrtle Beach as well. Lights can be controlled from a smart phone or tablet or voice activated, which allows homeowners to adjust lighting levels, brightness and color.

Smart pantries and refrigerators

alert homeowners in Myrtle Beach when food stuffs near their expiration dates and when inventory levels require reordering.

Smart appliances

in the kitchen can be integrated into smart home systems that allow homeowners in Myrtle Beach to monitor and direct the performance of their kitchen from a central hub that may also control entertainment and security systems, heating and cooling and other facets of the home.

What are the smart features that will take your dream kitchen to new heights? Give us a call at 843.293.3030 or make an appointment to visit our showroom at The Cabinet Market 4551 Highway 17 Bypass South Myrtle Beach, SC 29577 and let us show you how to leverage technology to make your kitchen the envy of the neighborhood.